Sunday 30 October 2011

Google's Open Source Android OS Will Free the Wireless Web

Other than shopping tools and contact management system that offered by Google’s Android, there were other applications that fulfilled the promises made by it such as the use of their location awareness and social networking. Jamdroid is a program where you use when you are on the road and give you real life traffic data among Jamdroid users. Also, LifeAware helps you to track your friends and family’s locations. E-ventr assists you to organize parties and Breadcumbz lets you share photos with people around the world.  

Google’s renowned and patented technology is one of those things that really terrified many competitions in the market now. It is believed that it is totally fine to be the one of the best in the industry if one can really make a sufficient number of people who want to be in the competition. However, questions and problem will arise if one scared off all your competitors, who are out there, have left for you to compete and “play” with?

The coming up idea of Android is indeed brilliant, but again, many things need to be thought of carefully such as what handset is going to be used for the phone, what form of factors and etc. it seemed that big firms like Nokia has already keeping their eyes on Google’s strategy which that they themselves took over the control of the Symbian operating system. Only if Nokia had stayed just being an assembler and without teaming up with Microsoft in the first place, they would definitely would be glad and teaming up with Google instead.

Few years ago, they had already invested into the Symbian partnership by developed a network with other big phone organizations such as Motorola and Ericsson. Also, they were obviously threatened and pressured by Google at the same time too. The basic idea of this is that you can’t succeed in platform strategy if you do not have the power and the backup from other companies to assist and collaborate with in order to bring the best out of a product. The challenges that Google faced would be the confidence design such as Apple and user interface ability network like Nokia.

As well known and aware of, Google and Nokia’s platform strategies imply the battle for competitive advantage which will be won using open platforms rather than proprietary platforms. It seems that both firms are freely making the OS technology interfaces which had widely motivated innovation in mobile web services and applications. The ability of having and creating a suitable incentive strategy with sustainable network of complementors in the skill that is able to perform is an important element that needs to be considered.

Google need to hit the balance between platform leaders and as well as industry enablers to become more innovative. This is in order to build the right momentum that is required to maintain the leadership position in the market. On the other than, Apple is maintaining their leadership platform base by focusing more on internal design capabilities for handsets and the applications to promote their products services and system.

Google’s Android community is more of a flexible and free form of network partnership by drawing opening source development strategies from lead programmers. The more users using a program, more likely the quality issued will be resolved faster and more efficiently through innovation. Hence more people know about this, a greater potential of exposure for Android to become a wireless network standard. In these new significant network effects of collaboration, usually the ideas are peered viewed and learning is done faster on social integration through network. Also, developers will feel a great sense of accomplishment within their community because of their involvement with Google.

Google’s Android stands on top of their mobile operating system and has the proprietary competitive advantage. Competitors are most likely forced to research, develop and compete in areas such as web services and software applications. All these are considered the main assets of Google. This can be a new opportunity scene for wireless firms to further secure their customers and generate new profits. However, lack of the ability to develop new capabilities by strengthen on new functions during the time of competence can lead to failure which could leave the firms vulnerable.

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