Sunday 2 October 2011

News Blogs and Citizen Journalism: New Directions for e-Journalism'

New media is the role of testing how the nature of the news media and its presentation has changed significantly over the past decades with the advancement of technology and as well as the growing popularity of electronic new media’s. This also has stated out that electronic media journalism is also changing and challenging the characteristics of the occupations and organizations which make up the media industry. This articles studies the challenges of new media’s through studies, theoretical reflections and policy deliberations of mass media and journalism. It provides understanding on the concepts and news in the society for e-journalists, media studies, and communication journalism students.

Citizen journalism, to my understanding, means people who like to write anything on the happenings around. The idea of daily consumers like you and I who take an active role in news. It’s starting from the gathering of news all the way through till the delivering of news and information to the whole world. The idea of this is to provide independent yet reliable and accurate wide range of information that are relevant.

In the past, the idea of journalists usually mean people who either work for themselves or some publication house, they will go out to find news and events that are worthy in order to report on. Usually these people only allow reporting the stories after approved by the government. So called “truth” news were controlled and monitored by the government.

However, in today’s way of delivering news, things have changed. There’s a new way of delivering news and events. As long as there’s an internet connection and any gargets that can connect to the internet, for example, the mobile phone, it is believed that any Tom, Dick, and Harry can report on what is happening around the world.

Weblogs and social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, they all play an important role in getting news around the world from me to you.

Remembered when 9-11 happened 10 years ago, it was captured on many TV station cameras only. Imagined if we had the technology of internet, weblogs, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube back then, the news would have spread the moment it happened. Today we are like the primary source where we deliver news and avenues at our disposal. The public like us are considered as the active journalists. For example, just take a look of what is happening with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi lately, where the whole world is looking for him. The UN, the Interpol. Libya is in a mess where people on the streets, they can be actively involved in situations which can report on what is happening. Everyone around the world can get the news instantly and immediately. Also, the news will be up to date and personal.

Another great thing about citizen journalism is that we don't get opinion from one person, but we obtain different perspectives and angles from different people. Each individual has their own thoughts by looking at things differently. Also, we get personality. We learn to know how certain people feel, how they are involved and how they react to certain news or the way they show it.

Last but not the least, citizen journalism has its bad side as well. I believe they are responsible for the leaking of pictures and footages of celebrities and law enforcement officers  who behave badly or inappropriate. Also, another to be considered which captured by citizen journalists are bad weather conditions or natural disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes.


  1. Hi, Ali.

    Yes, "in today’s way of delivering news, things have changed". We use more social networking sites and online news portals to share, distribute, obtain, and receive updates or information.

    Breaking news have to be delivered in fast。 Traditional publication such as newspapers are not able to achieve the timeliness, which is to deliver the breaking news as fast as Internet. Therefore, any important updates or information always can get from online.

    On the other hand, we use Facebook, Youtube, Twitter for daily basis. We can share our thoughts, information, happening via all these kinds of social networking sites or media sties. Once you are in any of the sites especially Twitter, you started tweet or posting and you are a citizen journalist.

  2. Hai Ali!!!, i agree with you that now everyone can be called journalist. As you said "any Tom, Dick, and Harry can report on what is happening around the world". this have made it possible for fast news updates even if it happened on the other part of the world. Besides that, at the current era, everyone could be heard individually if you know how to be heard. One way is of citizen journalism.
