Friday 12 August 2011

Network and The Modern Age

Networks exist in any and every field possible, such as social, political, governmental, media, and etc. After reading Manuel Castells’s “Afterword: Why Network Matter?” it is clear to me that networking is a necessary tool in society today. Networking is Power. Power of control, wealth, and or influence which cease to exist in any sole institution, state or large conglomerates. Networking is a global phenomenon which enables us to connect with people from all walks of life.  

The world today revolves around social networking and the internet. This is an undeniable fact in today’s world. Societies, individuals, organisations depend and rely on social network to aid them towards their true cause. Networking is also important today because of the development of technologies of software-based communication which society today relies heavily on. Organisations and individuals could not accomplish goals and tasks without certain required technology hence the most useful and powerful tool for today is the social networking culture such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace and others. With further advancement in social networking technologies, solutions to various problems might possibly be solved on a much easier level. Social network also provides us real time updates even on events that are happening in remote places.

Big organisations need international business; companies from all over the world are talking about mergers. This will place them at the top of their industry and to be better than their competitors. With the help of networking, these will be a possibility. Deals can happen more conveniently and with greater easement. Especially if there already exist a stable and good-relationship network among the parties.

Networking is used among governments of different countries in order to make the world a better place when they want to have an agreement, to make the world a better place. Like the UN, international law, alliance among countries and etc. Decision making processes that would be of greater benefit to a large scale of people instead of being limited to a specific region, group, and others.

Activists also find that networking is very crucial in their cause. This is because they need a “tool” to enable them to spread their message. They often discuss their morals, cultures and visions among other activist in their network in hopes that when they succeed it will be a life that the people had wished for.

If the question is why Network Today? Then I’d have to say that networking is the key to great success in any field, whether it is towards a certain goal or to attain anything. It plays a very crucial role in this modern age; it even has the ability to close the gap between generations. It helps to shape our knowledge and the information we retrieve. Hence network is power and power is everything.

As mentioned previously, there are many different societies who use network to become the Alpha One. When one society of that particular network has more power, it can even influence other networks and have a say in it. I have now come to realize that networking is such a powerful tool that it has played such an important role in shaping and moulding my life without me even realizing it has done so then.  As of now, this is my understanding to as why networking matters.


  1. Hey there Ali! I thought you interpreted the readings to your own nicely. :) I like how you mentioned that network is the tool to gage socieies in becoming the Alpha One. Network is indeed powerful. But often w/ powers come responsibility don't you think? This was smtg I thought of while tackling the readings.

    The network of powers have induced to some people or orgs of higher status to manipulate and abuse the power for most negative reasons.

    What do you think?

    Kudos on your post!

  2. Hello Michelle. Thank you for reading my post. I definitely agree with you that great power comes with great responsiblity, that's why there are only minority of people who are welling to take the risk of such roles in societies today.

    I do agree with you on your second statement as well. No doubt there are people out there who are abusing the power they have and mostly use for personal benefits and as u said, in a negative manner. However, there are still some good people out their in the society as well, definitely lesser ratio comparing to the bad ones. I guess it really depends on the organization's culture and as well as case by case senarios.

    Once again thanks for reading my post. Appreciate it :)

  3. Hi Ali! I am Chiu Yein :) I agree with how the information from the network have been shaped the way how we perceive the world. Network is powerful that it had bring lots of benefits but from the other point of view, do you think that the network will eventually counter a negative effect as people are too rely on the network and it has become the hidden face for the people?

    Have a nice day!

  4. I like your article, especially the Alpha One point. Many networks exist and some are bigger and better than others. They exert more influence then they can ever imagine. However, whatever they portray, whether imitated or borrowed can make/break existing and establishing networks. It is important today not only ethical, morally right but to build a place to is safe, economical and not posing harm to anyone else.

    I also liked how you managed to make me link how vulnerable and interconnected we are to our digital network. 1 day, or even a few hours internet and we cannot function properly. We do work, we play, and do everything online nowadays. I just hope that everyone will play they're part in contributing to preserving this amazing tool for our future generations :)
